
  • Concordance with routine Clinical Frailty Scale screening in the frailty in European emergency departments (FEED) study. Eagleton G, Güven R, Thorsteinsdóttir T, Mirkes E, van Oppen JD, European Taskforce on Geriatric Emergency Medicine collaborators. Int Emerg Nurs 78 (2025).
  • Person-centred decisions in emergency care for older people living with frailty: principles and practice. van Oppen JD, Coats T, Conroy C, Hayden S, Heeren P, Hullick C, Liu S, Lucke J, Lukin B, McNamara R, Melady D, Mooijaart SP, Rosen T, Banerjee J. Emerg Med J 41:694-699 (2024).
  • Service provision for Frailty in European Emergency Departments (FEED): a survey of operational characteristics. Fehlmann CA, Mc Loughlin K, Cosgriff EJ, Ferrick J, van Oppen JD, European Taskforce on Geriatric Emergency Medicine (ETGEM) collaborators.Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 32, 64 (2024).
  • Prevalence of Frailty in European Emergency Departments (FEED): an international flash mob study. European Taskforce on Geriatric Emergency Medicine (ETGEM) collaborators. Eur Geriatr Med 15, 463–470 (2024).
  • Providing care for older adults in the Emergency Department: expert clinical recommendations from the European Task Force on Geriatric Emergency Medicine. Lucke JA, Mooijaart SP, Heeren P, Singler K, McNamara R, Gilbert T, Nickel CH, Castejon S, Mitchell A, Mezera V, Van der Linden L, Lim SE, Thaur A, Karamercan MA, Blomaard LC, Dundar ZD, Chueng KY, Islam F, de Groot B, Conroy S. Eur Geriatr Med. 2022 Apr;13(2):309-317. doi: 10.1007/s41999-021-00578-1. Open access here!
  • Emergency department management of older people living with frailty: a guide for emergency practitioners. Hogervorst VM, Buurman BM, De Jonghe A, van Oppen JD, Nickel CH, Lucke J, Blomaard LC, Thaur A, Mooijaart SP, Banerjee J, Wallace J, de Groot B, Conroy SP. Emerg Med J. 2021 Sep;38(9):724-729. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2020-210014
  • A European Research Agenda for Geriatric Emergency Medicine: a modified Delphi study. Simon P Mooijaart, Christian H Nickel, Simon P Conroy, Jacinta A Lucke, Lisa S van Tol, Mareline Olthof, Laura C Blomaard, Bianca M Buurman, Zerrin D Dundar, Bas de Groot, Beatrice Gasperini, Pieter Heeren, Mehmet A Karamercan, Rosa McNamara, Aine Mitchell, James D van Oppen, F Javier Martin Sanchez, Yvonne Schoon, Katrin Singler, Renan Spode, Sigrun Skúldóttir, Thordis Thorrsteindottir, Marije van der Velde, James Wallace. European Geriatric Medicine, 2021 Apr;12(2):413-422. It is available open access here!
  • Mission statement Geriatric emergency medicine: time for a new approach on a European level.  European Journal of Emergency Medicine: April 2019 – Volume 26 – Issue 2 – p 75-76. Follow this link to read.
  • Statement on Minimum Standards for the Care of Older People in Emergency Departments by the Geriatric Emergency Medicine Special Interest Group of the International Federation for Emergency Medicine. Brittany Ellis, Christopher Carpenter, Judy Lowthian, Simon Mooijaart, Christian Nickel, Don Melady. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine 2018 Jan 23:1-2. doi: 10.1017/cem.2017.426. Link here (open access).
  • TEXT BOOK: Geriatric Emergency Medicine. Christian Nickel, Abdel Bellou, Simon Conroy (editors). Springer 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-19318-2. Link here.
  • The Development of a European Curriculum for Geriatric Emergency Medicine. S. Conroy, C.H. Nickel, A.B. Jónsdóttir, M. Fernandez, J Banerjee, S. Mooijaart, F. Sjöstrand, E. Devriendt. O.Ganansi, F.J. Martin Sánchez, A. Bellou. European Geriatric Medicine, Vol 7, issue 4, July 2016, Pages 315-321. Link here (open access)