Below you will find a list of all inputs from the first round of the Research Agenda Questionnaire. In this second round you can help to prioritise by l answering for each of the questions the following question. “When thinking of your practice in Geriatric Emergency Medicine, how important do you find this research question?”. Please give all questions your individual score by sliding the blue button over the slider, giving it a score from 0 (not important) to 100 (very important). We will then calculate which questions has the highest average score and thus compile a prioritised top-10. Dead-line for the questionnaire is April 15th 2019.
Before starting, please answer leave some information about yourself: mail-address, (only for follow-up of this agenda), profession (just like previous questionnaire), country and your age. Your inputs will only be used for compiling the Research Agenda, we will not pass the data on to third parties, we will not use your mail address for any other purpose.
OK, there we go: “When thinking of your practice in Geriatric Emergency Medicine, how important do you find this research question? Rate from 0 (not important) to 100 (very important)?”
!! as of May 15th 2019 the input phase is finally closed !!