Concordance with Clinical Frailty Scale screening in the FEED Study

The 2023 FEED Study reported the prevalence of Frailty in European Emergency Departments, using consecutive administration of the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) for all older people attending 62 hospitals during a 24 hour period.

In this new sub-study analysing data ‘missingness’ in routine CFS administrations conducted immediately prior to the FEED Study’s cohort recruitment, researchers share the concerning finding that over half of mandated observations were being missed. Those people who were not white, or who had lower acuity presentations were disproportionately likely to have their CFS missing.

The paper provides some food for thought for clinicians and managers working in centres where frailty screening is used, as attention to studying and improving implementation is almost certainly necessary. Meanwhile, researchers using frailty screening outcomes in routine datasets must carefully consider the provenance and completeness of data while determining the validity of their analyses.