Person-centred decisions in geriatric emergency care

How can we integrate evidence-based medicine and person-centred care paradigms when reaching pragmatic decisions for complex older people using emergency care? Collaborators of the European Taskforce on Geriatric Emergency Medicine (the GeriEM sections of EUSEM and EuGMS) worked with members of the International Federation of Emergency Medicine to produce this framework published in Emergency Medicine Journal:

Geriatric Emergency Medicine SIG meeting during EuGMS in Heslinki

The GEM Special Interest Group of the EuGMS met during the EuGMS conference in Heslinki, Finland on September 20th 2023.

Updates were discussed, by SIG co-chair Stephen Lim

  • a GEM curriculum is being designed for Ambulance personnel
  • the guidelines are being translated in more and more languages
  • the series of Podcasts is now online
  • the flasmob FEED study, led by James van Oppen, is being analyzed, some preliminary data were discussed. More to follow when published!

There were interesting discussion among attendants on how to organise #geriEM care in view of the challenges of shortages in personnel and money and in different healthcare setting.



GeriEM activities during EUSEM conference, Berlin (Germany), October 16-17, 2022

During the EUSEM conference in Berlin, Germany, there are several #geriEMEurope activities, which will take place on October 16-17, 2021, open to conference delegates. We hope to see you there!

October 16, 2022
8:30-13:00; Precourse Geriatric emergency Medicine

13:00-14:45; Emergencies in the elderly – How to improve the quality of care in your ED!sessiondetails/0000004140_0

14:55-16:20 Emergencies in the elderly – Bring your problems and ask the experts!sessiondetails/0000004110_0

October 17, 2022
10:00-11:00; Geriatric emergency Medicine Section meeting (Room R3)

GeriEM activities during EUSEM conference, Lisbon (Portugal), October 28th 2021

During the EUSEM conference in Lisbon, Portugal, there are several #geriEMEurope activities, that will all take place on October 28th 2021, open to conference delegates. Hope to see you there!

8:00-12:15; Precourse Geriatric Emergency Medicine

13:00-14:30: symposium ‘COVID and the elderly patients’!sessiondetails/0000001400_0

15:00-16:30; Symposium ‘Geriatric emergencies: Old patients – new insights!sessiondetails/0000001550_0

17:00-19:00 GEM section meeting (on location)


GeriEM Symposium & SIG meeting during EuGMS conference 2021

We are glad to announce that during the annual conference of the EuGMS to be held in Athens and online October 11-13th 2021 there will be two events by the Special Interest Group on Geriatric Emergency Medicine.

geriEM SIG meeting

  • Tuesday October 12th from 9.00am to 10.30am CEST
  • Everybody interested is invited to join thought the conference portal
  • During this meeting the GeriEM Posters will be presented

geriEM Symposium: Making impact in Geriatric Emergency Medicine across Europe: launch a series of guidelines

  • The symposium is available on demand & online for conference delegates

1. The why, how and what of European guidelines on Geriatric Emergency Medicine
Simon Mooijaart, The Netherlands
2. European guideline on Geriatric Emergency Medicine – Age and frailty adjusted risk stratification
Bas de Groot, The Netherlands
3. Official launch of the series of guidelines: next steps to create impact across Europe
Stephen Lim, UK

We look forward to seeing you!

Out now: Silver Book II

Great news for Geriatric Emergency Medicine around the world: the Silver Book II is out now.

The Silver Book II (edited by Profs. Simon Conroy, Chris Carpenter and Jay Banerjee) was written by leading international experts in frailty, among whom many European physicians and nurses who are part of geriEMEurope. It is hosted by the British Geriatrics Society, addresses a wide range of urgent care issues specific to older people. Aimed at clinicians and other healthcare professionals working in emergency departments and urgent care, this updated resource is presented in a highly accessible digital format and is free of charge.

For more information please refer to the website of the BGS: click here.

Invitation SIG Geriatric Emergency Medicine meeting: Fri Oct 9th 2020 #EuGMS 2020 E-Congress

We hope you are all doing well! We are glad to invite you to the Special Interest Group meeting on Geriatric Emergency Medicine (GEM) in older people that will be held during the EuGMS 2020 E-Congress. The meeting will be organized on Friday October 9th 2020, from 10.30 to 12.00 CEST. 

The following topics will be discussed during the meeting:

  1. Opening
  2. Brief round of introductions
  3. #geriEM and COVID: initiatives around Europe
  4. Publication of the GeriQ-ED (Schuster et al.)
  5. Update on ongoing projects
    1. European Research Agenda on GeriEM
    2. Education/guidelines initiative
  6. Future plans, European Task Force with EUSEM, others
  7. Any other business

Please let us know if you want to participate and send an email to The meeting will be open to SIG members and to any other congress participant willing to join. You will access the meeting from the EuGMS E-Congress platform,, from the section dedicated to SIGs (Main Hall and EuGMS Community). The meeting will be on Zoom and you will not need any specific code or ID to access, you will be directed to the meeting simply by clicking on the name of the SIG.

We hope to see you Friday Oct 9th!