A collaborative Delphi study of the European Task Force for Geriatric Emergency Medicine, available open access: click here
Invitation SIG Geriatric Emergency Medicine meeting: Fri Oct 9th 2020 #EuGMS 2020 E-Congress
We hope you are all doing well! We are glad to invite you to the Special Interest Group meeting on Geriatric Emergency Medicine (GEM) in older people that will be held during the EuGMS 2020 E-Congress. The meeting will be organized on Friday October 9th 2020, from 10.30 to 12.00 CEST.
The following topics will be discussed during the meeting:
- Opening
- Brief round of introductions
- #geriEM and COVID: initiatives around Europe
- Publication of the GeriQ-ED (Schuster et al.)
- Update on ongoing projects
- European Research Agenda on GeriEM
- Education/guidelines initiative
- Future plans, European Task Force with EUSEM, others
- Any other business
Please let us know if you want to participate and send an email to info@geriEMEurope.eu. The meeting will be open to SIG members and to any other congress participant willing to join. You will access the meeting from the EuGMS E-Congress platform, www.eugms2020.online, from the section dedicated to SIGs (Main Hall and EuGMS Community). The meeting will be on Zoom and you will not need any specific code or ID to access, you will be directed to the meeting simply by clicking on the name of the SIG.
We hope to see you Friday Oct 9th!
Next European Guidelines meeting: May 9th – 10th in Leiden, the Netherlands
The next meeting where the European Task Force on #geriEM will work on the European Guidelines on Geriatric Emergency Medicine will take place during the weekend of May 9th – 10th 2020 in Leiden, the Netherlands.
GEM section meeting @EUSEM, Prague
Great GEM section meeting during EUSEM in Prague! With guests from the USA and Canada!
#geriEM special interest group meeting during EuGMS, Krakow
During the EuGMS conference in Krakow, Poland, the special interest group had an inspiring meeting. Lots of opportunities were discussed and new collaborations. Also the European Research Agenda on #geriEM was presented and the ongoing initiative an guidelines.
Make sure to be there (again) next year in Athens, October 7-9th 2020!
EuGMS: acute session and GEM Sig meeting in Krakow, Poland, September 26th
For those who visit the EuGMS conference in Krakow Poland, please mark you diary:
Acute session
Thursday Sept 26th from 10.30 to 12.00
Including presentation of European research agenda on EuGMS by the Sig
meeting room 7 (E2)
GEM Sig meeting
Thursday Sept 26th from 12.00 to 13.30 (right after Acute session 7, just follow us!)
EuGMS meeting room 2 (E2)
Pre-course on #geriEM during EUSEM in Prague, October 13th 2019
For the second time, during the annual conference of EUSEM, there will be a pre-course on Geriatric Emergency Medicine. Organised in collaboration with the Eureopean Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS).
For more information, go here: https://www.eusemcongress.org/en/programme/precourses/geriatric
Weekend on European Guidelines on #geriEM
During the weekend of June 8th-9th 2019 representatives of the European Task Force on #geriEM met in Antwerp, Belgium to initiate a new #geriEMEurope endevour. A European guideline on Geriatric Emergency Medicine was drafted and planned.
Left to right: Jacinta Lucke (the Netherlands), Aine Mitchell (Ireland), Defne Zerrin Dundar (Turkey), Anna Ramovs (Slovenia), Rosa McNamera (Ireland), Arjun Thaur (UK), Pieter Heeren (Belgium), Christian Nickel (Switzerland), Laura Blomaard (The Netherlands), Mehmet Karamercan (Turkey), Bas de Groot (The Netherlands), Simon Conroy (UK), Simon Mooijaart (the Netherlands), Terrenc (Hong-Kong)
Our mission and goals: now online!
As European Task Force for Geriatric Emergency Medicine, we have laid down a mission and goal in a statement. The mission and goals were formally approved by both the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS) and the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM). A clear sign of one of our basic principles: #geriEM is about collaboration and multi-disciplinarity!
To read the editorial in EJEM: click this link
To view the statement: click this link