Weekend on European Guidelines on #geriEM

During the weekend of June 8th-9th 2019 representatives of the European Task Force on #geriEM met in Antwerp, Belgium to initiate a new #geriEMEurope endevour. A European guideline on Geriatric Emergency Medicine was drafted and planned.

Left to right: Jacinta Lucke (the Netherlands), Aine Mitchell (Ireland), Defne Zerrin Dundar (Turkey), Anna Ramovs (Slovenia), Rosa McNamera (Ireland), Arjun Thaur (UK), Pieter Heeren (Belgium), Christian Nickel (Switzerland), Laura Blomaard (The Netherlands), Mehmet Karamercan (Turkey), Bas de Groot (The Netherlands), Simon Conroy (UK), Simon Mooijaart (the Netherlands), Terrenc (Hong-Kong)

Our mission and goals: now online!

As European Task Force for Geriatric Emergency Medicine, we have laid down a mission and goal in a statement. The mission and goals were formally approved by both the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS) and the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM). A clear sign of one of our basic principles: #geriEM is about collaboration and multi-disciplinarity!

To read the editorial in EJEM: click this link

To view the statement: click this link

Coming up: #geriEM activities during EuGMS 2018 – Berlin

During the annual conference of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS) in Berling (Octobter 10-12th 2018) there will be interesting #geriEM activities:

Friday October 12th 2018

10:30 hrs: Symposium “Geriatric Emergency Medicine: Old Patients in the New World”

Location: Room 4

  • Dr. Faisal Aijaz, Leisester, UK. “Embedding frailty in ED and its impact on patient care.”
  • Dr. Yvonne Schoon, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. “Measuring Patient Reported Outcome is feasible in Older Patients attending the Emergency Department.”
  • Dr. Els Devriendt, Leuven, Belgium. “The URGENT CARE model and unplanned ED revisits”

12:00 hrs: Meeting of the #geriEM special interest group

Location: Room B95

Everybody who is interested in #geriEM is welcome to join!